Buckingham Parade
Residential / Investment / Development / Retail
162 sq ft - For Sale
Price: Offers in the region of £125,000
H45 Grafton Way, West Ham Industrial Estate
Industrial / Industrial
45,020 sq ft - To Let
Unit 4, Highfield Industrial Estate
3,833 sq ft - To Let
Rent: £8.50 per sq ft
Unit 4 & 7, Highfield Industrial Estate
Industrial / Office
1,909 to 5,742 sq ft - To Let
Rent: £7.75 per sq ft
The Barn, Pumphouse Way
Investment / Development / Residential
2,807 sq ft - For Sale
Price: plus VAT
42 Hackwood Road, Hackwood Road
1,230 sq ft - To Let
5 Charlecote Mews
1,213 sq ft - To Let
Rent: £38,820 per annum exclusive
Unit 16 / 17, Lion Court
5,020 sq ft - To Let
Rent: £58,500 per annum
Unit 19, Lion Court
2,330 sq ft - To Let
Rent: £26,200 per annum
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